Joy Dutta
Assistant Professor
Dr. Joy Dutta is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. He holds a BSc degree in Physics (Honours), followed by Post BSc BTech and MTech in Computer Science & Engineering from Calcutta University. He is a recipient of Government of India’s prestigious full-time Research Fellowship, viz., “Visvesvaraya PhD Fellowship” of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) for pursuing his full-time research from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jadavpur University and has received his PhD (Engg.) Degree in February 2022.
Dr. Dutta has the exposure of working in both the industry as well as in academia. In the initial days, he has worked as a Guest Faculty in the Netaji Subhash Engineering College and afterwards, he has also worked in the Sister Nivedita University, under Techno India Group, Kolkata, WB, India. He has also worked in the IT industry as a Software Engineer at Egnaro Company, at High-tech city, Hyderabad, India on several cutting edge technologies. Along with these, he is an active researcher in the field of IoT and related applications for social good. He has rich experience in the domain of Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Smart City based applications for social good. During his PhD tenure, he has pursued his research under the guidance of Professor (Dr.) Sarbani Roy of Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jadavpur University. He is a member of IEEE and till date published several research papers in different renowned international conferences, journals and also written multiple book chapters for the global research audience.
Profile Links
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Social Links
IoT, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Smart City
Awards & Honours
Visvesvaraya PhD Fellowship, MeitY, Government of India
IEEE Member, IEEE Young Professional
Journal Publications:
1. Unified Framework For Iot And Smartphone Based Different Smart City Related Applications
J Dutta, S Roy, C Chowdhury
Microsystems Technologies (2019), Springer (SCI, SCOPUS, DBLP etc. Indexed), Print ISSN 0946-7076, Online ISSN: 1432-1858, , Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2018), DOI: [Impact Factor: 1.737]
2. JUSense: A Unified Framework for Participatory-based Urban Sensing System.
A. I Middya, S Roy, J. Dutta, R. Das.
Mobile Networks and Applications (2020). Springer, (SCI, SCOPUS, DBLP etc. Indexed) Electronic ISSN 1572-8153, Print ISSN 1383-469X, DOI: [Impact Factor: 2.760]
3. IndoorSense: Context Based Indoor Pollutant Prediction using SARIMAX Model,
J Dutta, S Roy
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021), Springer (SCI-E, SCOPUS, DBLP etc. indexed), Electronic ISSN: 1573-7721, Print ISSN: 1380-7501, DOI: [Impact Factor: 2.313]
4. OccupancySense: Context-Based Indoor Occupancy Detection & Prediction using CatBoost Model,
J Dutta, S Roy
Applied Soft Computing (2022), Volume 119, 108536, ISSN 1568-4946, Elsevier (SCI-E, SCOPUS etc. Indexed), DOI: [Impact Factor: 6.725]
Conference Publications:
1. Airsense: Opportunistic Crowd-sensing Based Air Quality Monitoring System For Smart City
J Dutta, F Gazi, S Roy, C Chowdhury
Proceedings of the IEEE SENSORS 2016, PP 976- 978, Orlando, Florida, USA (IEEE), DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2016.7808730
2. Towards Smart City: Sensing Air Quality In City Based On Opportunistic Crowd-sensing
J Dutta, C Chowdhury, S Roy, AI Middya, F Gazi
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN 2017, Hyderabad, India (ACM), DOI:
3. IoT-fog-cloud Based Architecture For Smart City: Prototype Of A Smart Building
J Dutta, S Roy
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering, CONFLUCENCE 2017, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (IEEE), DOI: 10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2017.7943156
4. NoiseSense: Crowdsourced Context Aware Sensing For Real Time Noise Pollution Monitoring Of The City
J Dutta, P Pramanick, S Roy
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS 2017), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, December 2017 (IEEE), DOI: 10.1109/ANTS.2017.8384103
5. Energy Efficient Gps Usage In Location Based Applications
J Dutta, P Pramanick, S Roy
Published In: Satapathy S., Tavares J., Bhateja V., Mohanty J. (eds) Information and Decision Sciences. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 701. Springer, Singapore. 2018. Print ISBN 978-981-10-7562-9, Online ISBN 978-981-10-7563-6., DOI:
6. SenseDCity: A Participatory Sensing Based Approach
S Ghosh, J Dutta, S Roy
Proceedings of the Workshop Program of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (Workshops ICDCN 2018), January 2018, Varanasi, India (ACM), DOI:
7. Smartphone Based System For Real-time Aggressive Driving Detection And Marking Rash Driving-prone Areas
B Bose, J Dutta, S Ghosh, P Pramanick, S Roy
Proceedings of the Workshop Program of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (Workshops ICDCN 2018), January 2018, Varanasi, India (ACM), DOI:
8. D&RSense: Detection Of Driving Patterns And Road Anomalies
B Bose, J Dutta, S Ghosh, P Pramanick, S Roy
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU 2018), February 2018, Bhimtal, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India (IEEE), DOI: 10.1109/IoT-SIU.2018.8519861
9. ES3B: Enhanced Security System for Smart Building Using IoT
J Dutta, Y Wang, T Maitra, SKH Islam, BS Rawal, D Giri
2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (IEEE SmartCloud), New York, NY, USA, 158-165, DOI: 10.1109/SmartCloud.2018.00034
10. Indoor Air Pollutant Prediction using Time Series Forecasting Models
J. Dutta and S. Roy, International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security- IEMIS, Kolkata, India, 2020, Springer, Singapore. DOI:
Books :
1. Unified Architecture for IoT (Book Chapter)
J. Dutta and S. Roy, Published in Interoperability in IoT for Smart Systems, 1st Edition, 2020, CRC PRESS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS , DOI: