Bhabani Shankar Prasad Mishra
Bhabani Shankar Prasad Mishra was born in Talcher, Odisha, India in 1981. He received the B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from Biju Pattanaik Technical University, Odisha in 2003, M.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the KIIT University, in 2003, Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from F.M.University, Balasore,Odisha, India, in 2011 and Post Doc in 2013 from Soft Computing Laboratory, Yansei University, South Korea . Currently he is working as an Associate Professor at School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. His research interest includes Pattern Reorganisation, Remote Sensing, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Big Data and Machine Learning. He has published more than 80 research articles in reputed Journal and Conferences, one patent and has edited more than five books of current importance. Under his guidance, 20 M.Tech and 2 PhD scholars are already been awarded. His h-index is 12. Dr. Mishra was the recipient of the Gold Medal and Silver Medal during his M.Tech for the best Post Graduate in the University.
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Research Interests
- Pattern Reorganization
- Data Mining
- Soft Computing
- Big Data and Machine Learning
- Remote Sensing
Administrative Responsibility
- Dean
- Program Head Dual Degree
Awards & Honours
1. Level 5 Certification in Management and Leadership by Chartered Institute of Management, London,UK, supported by AICTE UKERI Program. 2. UILA Award 2020 Research Achievement Award - in the field of Computer Science & Engineering. 3. Best Faculty Staff of the Year 2016 at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. 4. Gold and Silver medal award for University topper in M.Tech. 5. Best student award for the year 2001-2002 in B.Tech.
1. Y.Tamene, S.Mukherjee, B.S.P.Mishra, M.K.Mishra," Big Data Analytics towards Electronic Health Records for a Better Tomorrow", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, (2018).
2. S. Mishra, P. Sinha, S. S. Singh, B. S. P. Mishra, "A PMOGA based Approach for Efficient Spectrum Utilization in Cognitive Radio", International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.10, (18), PP. 125 - 131, (2017).
3. P. P. Sarangi, B. S. P. Mishra, S. Dehuri, " Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradients based Human Ear Identification", International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.10, (15), PP. 125 - 133, (2017).
4. Mishra, S., Singh, S. S., Mishra, B.S.P., Panigrahi, P., “Research on Softcomputing Techniques for Cognitive Radio”, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, vol. 7, Issue2, Pages 54 -74, (2016).
5. Mishra, B. S. P., Mishra, S., Singh S. S., “ Parallel Multi Criterion Genetic Algorithm: A Comprehensive Study ”, International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation, vol.7, Issue 1, Page 50 – 61, (2016).
6. Mishra, B.S.P., Kim, E., Dehuri, S, Cho, S. –B, “Weapon Target Assignment Problem: Multi Objective Formulation, Optimization using MOPSO, and TOPOSIS ”, International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support System (2015).
7. Pradhan M., Pradhan C.R., Mishra B.S.P, A. Kaustuv, “ Authentication Using 3 Tire Biometric Modalities”, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing , PP. 743- 746, April 3-5, (2018)
8. Sarangi,P.P., Mishra, B.S.P., Dehuri, S. "Multimedia Biometric Recognition using Human Ear and Profile face." IEEE 4th International Conference Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), IIT Dhanbad, (2018).
9.Kabi, K., Mishra, B.S.P., Dash, S.R., "A Survey Road Map on Different Algorithms proposed on Protein Structure Prediction", International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security (2018).
10. Sarangi,P.P., Mishra, B.S.P., Dehuri, S. “Ear Recognition using Pyramid Histogram of Orientation Gradients ", International IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks. (SPIN) (2017)