Aradhana Behura
Assistant Professor
Aradhana Behura is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University. She has obtained her Bachelor's degree from VSSUT, Burla, Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Veer Surendra Sai University. Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in smart transportation at the NITR. She holds around 3+ years of experience teaching undergraduate and post-graduate Computer Science and Engineering students in different engineering colleges. Her research interest includes Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IOV, IoT, Wireless body area networks (WBAN), and Image security.
Deep Learning, VANETS
"1. Aradhana Behura, Manas Ranjan Kabat, Internet Of Things: Basic Concept and Decorum of Smart Service ” book entitled as “ Internet of Things – Behavioural Applications”, Springer (Scopus), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77528-5_10.
2. Aradhana Behura “ Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Biomedical Engineering: Present Scenario and Challenges” book entitled “ Internet of Things – Behavioural Applications”, Springer (Scopus), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77528-5_10.
Aradhana Behura “ The Fusion Of IOT with Wireless Body Area Network”, book entitled as “Internet of Things – Behavioural Applications”, Springer (Scopus), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77528-5_10.
3. Aradhana Behura “Congruence of Deep Learning in Biomedical Engineering: Future prospects and challenges”, Handbook of deep learning in biomedical engineering techniques and applications, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128230145.
4. Aradhana Behura “ Intelligent Automotive Sector with IoT (Internet Of Things) and its consequential impact in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks ” book entitled as “ Internet of Things – Behavioural Applications”, Springer (Scopus),https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77528-5_10.
5. Aradhana Behura, “ The Cluster Analysis and Feature Selection: Perspective of Machine Learning and Image Processing “ book entitled “Data Analytics in Bioinformatics: A Machine Learning Perspective”, Willy (Scopus). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119785620.ch10 ISBN: 9781119785620
6. Shibani Sahu, Aradhana Behura, Manas Ranjan Kabat, ”Advancement of Machine Learning and Cloud Computing in the field of Smart Health Care” book entitled “Machine Learning Approach for Cloud Data Analytics in IOT” Willy (Scopus), ISBN 9781119785804.
7. Aradhana Behura, Sanjaya Kumar Panda “Machine Learning Bumps into the field of Big Data” book entitled “Handbook of Research Big Data : Concepts and Techniques” CRC Press (2019), ISBN 9781771889803.
8. Aradhana Behura, “Congruence of Deep Learning in Medical Signal and Image processing: Future prospects and challenges” book entitled as “ Technical Advancements of Machine Learning in Healthcare”, Springer, Scopus (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4698-7_10.
9. Aradhana Behura,“Smart Technology Application for COVID-19 Detection, Prediction and Analysis “book entitled as “Computational Intelligence Techniques For Combating COVID-19”.
10. Aradhana Behura, Manas Ranjan Kabat , “A deep learning approach to detect corona virus“ book entitled as “Computational Intelligence Techniques For Combating COVID-19”.
11. Aradhana Behura, M.R.Kabat “Blockchain Technology: The Future of Security System (BCTFSS)” book entitled as “Blockchain Technology and Big Data Analytics”, John Wiley and Sons (2020).
12. Aradhana Behura , Sushree Bibhuprada B. Priyadarshini ” Application of IOT for Biomedical Peregrination and Smart Healthcare” book entitled as “The Congruence of IOT in Biomedical Engineering: Future prospects and challenges”, CRC Press (2019), ISBN 9780367 4030729.
13. Sushree Bibhuprada B. Priyadarshini , Aradhana Behura ” Starring role of internet of things in the field of bio-medical peregrination for modern society” book entitled as “The Congruence of IOT in Biomedical Engineering: Future prospects and challenges”, CRC Press (2019), ISBN 9780367422455.
14. Aradhana Behura,” How IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things ) is poised to jump-start the next revolution” book entitled as “ Handbook of Research on Intelligent Industrial IOT”, CRC.
15. Aradhana Behura, Manas Ranjan Kabat, “ Blockchain enabled secure data sharing and authenticity in telemedicine and smart health care” book entitled as “ Wearable telemedicine technology for healthcare industry”, Elsevier."
A RNN based Spatio Temporal Data Mining model for urban road planning (GRANTED)