Alok Kumar Jagadev
Dr. Alok Kumar Jagadev is currently working as Professor in the School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University. He has obtained his Master degree from Utkal University in the year 2001 and also obtained Ph.D. degree for his work in the field of Wireless Adhoc Networks from Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University in the year 2011. He has contributed more than 45 papers in various journals and conferences of international repute. He has also contributed three book chapters in international published edited volumes. He has authored/co-authored four text books in the field of computer science. He has edited three books for different international publications like IGI Global, Springer etc. He has involved in organizing many international conferences and workshops. He has already supervised more than a dozen of master students and guided four Ph.D. scholars. His research interest includes Soft Computing, Data Mining, Bio-informatics etc.
IEEE member – 90861953 (2010). CSI life member - 01063190 (2010). Orissa Information Technology Society (OITS) life member L05/268 (2005). Membership of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) – 102671 (2009).
Panday T.N., Jagadev A.K., Dehuri S., Cho S.B., “A novel committee machine and reviews of neural network and statistical models for currency exchange rate prediction: An experimental analysis”, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier. (2018),
Sahu B., Dehuri S., Jagadev A.K., "A Study on the Relevance of Feature Selection Methods in Microarray Data”, The Open Bioinformatics Journal, 11(2018), 117-139.
Panda S.K., Mohanty S.N., Jagadev A.K., "Applicability of End Use Method for Long Term Load Forecasting of Islands", International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue-8, pp. 32-42, Aug 2017.
Sahu B., Dehuri S., Jagadev A.K., "Feature Selection Model Based on Clustering and Ranking Technique in pipeline for Microarray Data” Informatics in medicine unlocked, Elsevier, Vol. 9, pp. 107-122, Jul 2017.
Panda S.K., Mohanty S.N., Jagadev A.K., "Long Term Electrical Load Forecasting: An Empirical Study across Techniques and Domains", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 26, pp. 1-16, Jul 2017.
Sahu B., Dehuri S., Jagadev A.K., "An Ensemble Model using Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and rule mining using Apriori and FP-growth from Cancer Microarray Data”, International Journal of applied Engineering and Research, Research India Publication, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 2391-2408, 2017.
Satapathy S. K., Jagadev A. K., Dehuri S., “Weighted Majority Voting Based Ensemble of Classifiers Using Different Machine Learning Techniques for Classification of EEG Signal to Detect Epileptic Seizure”, Informatica No.41, pp. 99-110 (2017).
Nayak S. K., Rout P. K., Jagadev A. K., "A cross mutation-based differential evolution for data clustering", International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, Inderscience, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 17-38 (2017).
Nayak S. K., Rout P. K., Jagadev A. K., Patnaik S., "A modified differential evolution-based fuzzy multi-objective approach for clustering", International Journal of Management and Decision Making, Inderscience, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 24-49 (2017).
Satapathy S. K., Dehuri S., Jagadev A. K., “ABC Optimized RBF Network for Classification of EEG Signal for Epileptic Seizure Identification”, Egyptian Informatics Journal, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 18, pp. 55-66 (2017).
Satapathy S. K., Dehuri S., Jagadev A. K., "EEG signal classification using PSO trained RBF neural network for epilepsy identification", Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Vol. 6, pp. 1-11 (2017).